
On this page you will find videos related to the work of Menno Jonker

Visitors impression Exhibition Kampen (NL) 2012

Frans Walkate Archief, Kampen (NL)
Menno Jonker – Glassobjects and Freddy Schinkel photography
In this visitors impression the objects of Menno and photographs of Freddy are alternating, giving an interesting dynamic mixture.

Moments in Time

Video produced by the Coda Museum in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, One day in the life of Menno Jonker during his work in his own studio and at Glass studio Tetterode both in Amsterdam. Menno is telling about his way of working.

Memorial Monument Queensday 2009

On Thursday, 29 April 2010 her Majesty Queen Beatrix and Mayor Mr. G.J. de Graaf of Apeldoorn revealed in the presence of the victims, survivors and family the commemorative monument commemorating the victims of the tragic events on Queen’s day 2009.

The monument is located near the crossroads on the Jachtlaan-Loolaan. This is the place where in 2009 all the flowers were laid. The Memorial was designed and created by Menno Jonker. The monument is an artistic interpretation of a box containing balloons. The balloons are according to the artist a symbol of vulnerability, celebration and mourning. Among the colored balloons there are seven white ones representing the fatalities.

Echo of Infinity

Menno Jonker tells stories with his glass sculptures, using historic techniques interpreted in a new manner. Jonker presents new stories, new sculptures, in the exhibition Echo of Infinity starting October 19, at Etienne Gallery, Oisterwijk, the Netherlands. “Glass can be liquid but it is also very fragile. This contrast is something I look for in my work.” Menno unites these contrasts. He actually wanted to become a dancer but found that he can show liveliness in his work: glass is clotted movement!

Working with glass is a team sport, which is demonstrated in this small documentary. It gives an inside in Jonkers background and makes you witness his methods for creating the new collection: Echo of Infinity.

For a glimpse of the collection in pictures, click here.

A sea of glass

From this fall (november, 2 / october 19 2014), you’re invited to a spectacular exhibition in the Nationaal Glasmuseum Leerdam. You’ll see the work of zoologist Ernst Haeckel. Een zee van glas shows the visitors the most differing facets of Haeckels world. Not only his illustrations are exposed; also the glasswork inspired by it from i.e. A.D. Copier, H.P. Berlage en Willem Bogtman are exposed.

Menno Jonkers explains in this video the influence of Haeckel op artits and architects of Het Scheepvaarthuis in Amsterdam. His own glass sculptures are related to the flora and fauna of the sea. Science, history and contemporary art and design are connected to each other.

