Sea Forms for ‘Het Wooldhuis’

Menno Jonker
Amsterdam, september 2006
Hardcover (closure ribbon) 32 pages
Full-page colour illustrations (25*18cm)
Design: Menno Jonker
Text in Dutch
Limited edition: 100
Price: € 120
Available: 3 copies


At the 75th anniversary of the Wooldhuis (Vlissingen, 1931) of architect Dirk Roosenburg the owners asked Menno Jonker to fill the monumental staircase that had always remained empty. In that way Menno followed the tradition of artists like Frits Lensfelt, Mien Ruys and Rie Cramer who designed for this very special building in the past. Jonker found his inspiration in the sea life of the coastal waters of this part of Holland, the colors of the sea and especially in the light-hearted functionalisme of the Dutch Art Deco design of the building. He expressed his ideas in an impressive monument in blown, surface-ground and etched glass.
